employee mental health

During uncertain times, managing your employees’ mental health is essential to supporting your workforce as a leader. The stay-at-home order has caused a potential mental health crisis. With higher stress, more social isolation, more anxiety, and a rise in emotional exhaustion leaders need to support and empathize with their employees.

the five is of onboarding

The Five I’s of Onboarding

Onboarding can be a challenge for any HR department, as it may be unclear all that needs to be covered in order to set your new employees up for success. Where does the onboarding process start? How will the new employees leave the onboarding process ready to start working? We have created a step-by-step guide to set your employees and your organization up for success. Here are the five I’s of onboarding. 

  • Impression: Your impression begins when you start attracting employees to your company. The first impression is everything for future employees, so consider what you put out to potential candidates.
  • Induction: A good starting point is mapping out the employee’s journey through onboarding. Where do they start, and where will they end up once they’ve been successfully onboarded?
The five i's of onboarding
  • Integration: Ensure your employees are connecting with those on their team and throughout the organization.
  • Immersion: Give your employees the opportunity to practice their new skills with role-playing and simulations.
  • Independence: Once your employees have been through the four steps above, continue providing learning opportunities throughout their employment that allow them to grow their skills independently.

At Culture Works, we understand how important onboarding can be to fostering great company culture. Do you think your company needs a company culture revamp? Contact us to learn how we can help!

Intentional Hiring During a Crisis

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit businesses and workers alike. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, but as the economy begins to reopen, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. As a business owner, this unprecedented time offers an opportunity to hire employees that go above and beyond.

emotional intelligence

Anyone can manage a team of people, but it takes a special type of leader to inspire and motivate a workforce. While some people seem like they are born to be leaders, being a good leader is a trait that is learned and practiced constantly. One of the biggest factors that contribute to a good leader is a high emotional intelligence level. 

leading your team

The effects of Coronavirus have spread throughout the world. If you are a business owner, you have likely seen a shift in your workforce throughout these few months. Leaders during a time like this, have to take a different approach to motivate their teams. Not only have business owners had to restructure their business involving their employees and how they work, but they have also had to consider the ‘new normal’ that will be implemented. So what does it take to inspire and motivate employees among all the change and how can they avoid the potential management traps?

back to the office

Coronavirus has caused a lot of businesses to lay off and furloughs. As businesses begin to reopen in phases, the idea of rehiring employees who have been furloughed or laid off is likely involved in their reopening plan. One of the first steps business owners must consider in their reopening plan is rehiring employees that have been temporarily let go. How can you begin to determine the best plan for bringing employees back onto the team?

Employee Wellness

As we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times, it is of the utmost importance that we make our physical, mental, and emotional health our priority. When we practice self-care we better ourselves for those around us. This self-care gives us the ability to support our family, friends, and local communities better. Here are a few tips to help you optimize you and your employee’s health during this time.

Office Culture Happy

Inspiring employees to stay motivated once they have been at the company for a long time can be difficult for some employers. There are many creative ways to improve company culture within the organization, but will that be enough to keep employees around? Is money the best way to keep employee engagement and motivation? Let’s explore!

Many studies have been conducted throughout the years about what motivates employees. Most of the results have come back confusing and complicated because we’re all humans with different wants and needs. For most employees, the money isn’t as important as you would expect.

Quick Tips and FAQs

Leaders who are able to transform their company culture understand that accountability delivered in a positive manner creates a trusting, engaged, successful environment for employees. Employees that are given the opportunity to trust each other, collaborate, and are invested in the companies purpose they feel as though they have an important role in the companies success. So how can you tell if your workplace culture is lacking in the accountability realm?

Here are a few indications that you might want to reframe your accountability method:

Learning & Development

Hiring the best employees is every company’s goal when pursuing success. But how can you implement the right strategies to attract those employees? Here is a list of strategies to implement that will help you attract and recruit the employees that are right for your company.