4 Quick Tips to Engaging a Remote Workforce as a Leader

Having trouble engaging your remote workforce? Here are 4 quick tips to engage a remote workforce as a leader. 

a laptop and a cup of tea

In recent weeks, employee productivity seems to now be focused on RESULTS, instead of just merely ATTENDANCE.

How can your teams stay productive throughout this global pandemic? Here are our 10 tips for working from home productively! 

#1: Create a workspace that fits your needs- Ideally a spot that is ergonomically safe, quiet, sunny, and holds a strong WiFi connection.


As we’ve all seen in the past few weeks, the information reported on Coronavirus is rapidly evolving. We’ve compiled a list of our team’s top 5 most-utilized Coronavirus resource links here for you. Please let us know if our Culture Works team can support you in any way through this global pandemic and we are happy to help you to the best of our ability!

woman working outside

Culture Connectivity for your Purpose, People and Processes.

Tip # 1: Don’t use the word “crisis”! Stay calm, don’t overreact. It’s your job as a leader to guide the proverbial ship through troubled waters. Your team is looking to you as a role model during this time- keep the peace by remaining cool, calm, and collected. 

fostering healthy culture with remote teams

Tip #1: Communicate, communicate, communicate! Along with email & messaging apps, add in regular video conferences so team members can see each other and nurture their relationships remotely! Hold regular 1:1s & communicate consistently. Maintain transparency and gauge stress levels.
Focus on the positive


Culture Connectivity for your Purpose, People and Processes.

Tip # 1: Don’t use the word “crisis”! Stay calm, don’t overreact. It’s your job as a leader to guide the proverbial ship through troubled waters. Your team is looking to you as a role model during this time- keep the peace by remaining cool, calm, and collected.