supporting employee wellbeing

2020 has been a roller coaster for most people. With the drastic changes that have occurred in the workplace, it has led to a new reality of work from home and zoom meetings or simply no work at all. These changes can cause the wellbeing of your employees to hinder. Not only do we need to focus on the physical health of our employees, but also their mental health, social health, and financial health.

working remotely

Throughout the stay-at-home order, many companies have had to restructure their businesses to accommodate the new normal of work from home. As a manager, this sudden change can be difficult to navigate. Here are a few tips to help you manage your remote employees.

employee mental health

During uncertain times, managing your employees’ mental health is essential to supporting your workforce as a leader. The stay-at-home order has caused a potential mental health crisis. With higher stress, more social isolation, more anxiety, and a rise in emotional exhaustion leaders need to support and empathize with their employees.

Intentional Hiring During a Crisis

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit businesses and workers alike. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, but as the economy begins to reopen, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. As a business owner, this unprecedented time offers an opportunity to hire employees that go above and beyond.

leading your team

The effects of Coronavirus have spread throughout the world. If you are a business owner, you have likely seen a shift in your workforce throughout these few months. Leaders during a time like this, have to take a different approach to motivate their teams. Not only have business owners had to restructure their business involving their employees and how they work, but they have also had to consider the ‘new normal’ that will be implemented. So what does it take to inspire and motivate employees among all the change and how can they avoid the potential management traps?

back to the office

Coronavirus has caused a lot of businesses to lay off and furloughs. As businesses begin to reopen in phases, the idea of rehiring employees who have been furloughed or laid off is likely involved in their reopening plan. One of the first steps business owners must consider in their reopening plan is rehiring employees that have been temporarily let go. How can you begin to determine the best plan for bringing employees back onto the team?

Come in - We're open

As businesses begin to reopen, there can be a lot to consider before you start reopening your business in full force. Here are a few tips to consider before you start embarking on reopening your business completely:

Remote Team Management

The new reality the COVID-19 has pushed most businesses toward has required an adjustment period. With work-from-home being the new normal, we have seen virtual communication sky-rocket. This has also caused more people to be comfortable with their companies seeing their home life. With all of this change, we have created a few best practices to keep in mind when working remotely. Here are a few tips:

Help Your Employees Navigate COVID-19 Stress

So many of us are fortunate.  Fortunate to have jobs that stress us out, fortunate that we are not infected with COVID-19, fortunate to be able to afford the things we need. That being said, the “new normal” still doesn’t feel that normal, and employees and managers throughout businesses are feeling the strain of balancing home-schooling kids, cramped workspaces, and hours on Zoom. 

It’s a challenging time for everyone, but the most important thing for companies to do right now is to take care of their employees. The first step is to take care of an employee’s health and safety, followed closely by taking care of their emotional well-being. 

4 Quick Tips to Engaging a Remote Workforce as a Leader

Having trouble engaging your remote workforce? Here are 4 quick tips to engage a remote workforce as a leader.